Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Update on 24 November

Guys, Ratna here. I wanna tell you guys about an update for this Sat's outing.

$3 (for entrance fee to Sentosa)
Drinks (preferred 1.5 litres, for those whose are going to overnight)
Tents (if have, same gender will be sleeping on the same tent. So no mixing around)
Extra clothes and toiletries - there will be wet games during the outing.

However, as for the food, there will be some bringing it. You all can bring more if you want.

Next, I want everyone to CONFIRM their attendence for this Saturday, so that I can coordinate everything. Confirm with me by tomorrow night!

Last but not least, contact me if you any enquires. All leaders, please spread it to your members and then give me the number of people that will be attending on your side.

Thank you. \m/

Thursday, November 15, 2007

24 November 2007

Guys and Gals..
This is an update on the gathering on 24 November 2007. As we all know that we will be meeting at Sentosa (Siloso Beach).

Time: 12 Noon till next morning.
Venue: Sentosa (Siloso/Tanjong/Palawan Beach)

Things to bring (advised):

  1. Towel
  2. Suntan Lotion
  3. Tent (Those staying overnight)
  4. Water Bottle
  5. Beach Mats (Those suntaning)
  6. Extra Clothes

Games will be provided. If you have any games, please tell us.


CeMTA or any related company or organisers will not be responsible for any injury , lost of items or anything in between. This gathering is to our own responsibility. To those camping overnight please note to have self - discipline and no hanky - panky is allowed.

Note: Can all please comment this post 'cause i really need to get the majority of this gathering.

To those who have read this post , please tell all your dramanites about this and ask them to read this.

Thanks .. Please make yourselves free on this day.

If you have anything to add please comment it...

Thank You!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I can't believe time flies very fast.

Here I am typing this and thinking about those memories. My my my. Time sure do flies very fast.

I'll definitely miss those memories as it has been sweet and memorable.

The good and bad, whatever it is - They will always be remembered.

It's nice getting to know one another and I didn't regret the decision to join drama. Furthermore, it's the passion, not for anything else.

Hmm... Though I didn't make a speech the other time, it doesn't mean I'm emotionless about the whole thing or anything like that. I guess it's not that easy for me to cry out.

However, I do feel like crying but seems like something is holding me back I guess. Mixed emotions? Probably. I am simply speechless but definitely not emotionless. *grins*

Well... Life still has to go on but come on... It may be the end of our exciting journey but look on the brighter side - WE'LL ALWAYS BE FRIENDS no matter what.

Keep in touch, stay in contact - As they say friends are friends forever as the welcome will not end.


Signing off,

DIANE Qaiser Lim

Monday, November 12, 2007

Over? No such word in my dictionary...

The memories that I will never forget...
To those who are not in this pic...
"Why do you have to leave sooo early?! >.<"
(i'll bash up the photographer in school... for taking a lousy
It's me... Afiqah of Simei ITE... The 160cm tall girl... lol...
anyway... i think as if it happened yesterday... I still could not forget the days we joked, laughed, cry, or whatever we did together back to the rehearsal days.

I wish there is this Time Machine where we can go back in time.
I am sooo gonna miss all of you... Especially those who are not in Simei ITE... I hope one of us would bang into each other some day. I still could not get my mind off the days we met. It's nice getting to know all of you... I've never had such ppl like you guys before... You guys are special in my life.

I wished that day would never be gone. I wished that there will be no tomorrow where we will go in our separate ways. I wished that we could be reunited once more. I wished I could capture every second of our happiness as a Drama Family 2007. ya... I randomly came up with that... lol...

But I really hope some of us could make it for the Sentosa outing?
I will always remember you guys deep in my heart and I will never ever ever forget every each and one of you...

And I hope all of you won't forget those memories... I will always remember u guys...

Sincerity love from NurAfiqah Bte Roslie.
I love you guys...
Every memories we've been together to make the show possible...
Thanks to Tony who make the show possible and the crews!

Friday, November 02, 2007




Gosh. Time definitely flies very fast. Indeed it's SUPER FAST!

24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sometimes I wish there was more time. I'm really very nervous about next week. Hopefully we put on a good show. I have confidence in our play. I believe all of us are able to put on a good show and entertain others.

However, we have to prove ourselves that!

3PM TO 8PM FOR TODAY'S SESSION. I know it's a bit too late to put it up here. I'm in school by the way!

Anyway, TUESDAY our final session! If I am not wrong it'll be after 6PM till about 9PM.

I'm somehow am looking forward to our play. The reason why I say "somehow" is because I'm feeling kind of nervous. Yes - The "WHAT IF" question comes to my mind.

Let us make it a success and not disappoint others.

Oh yes, another problem I am facing! I don't know if any of you are facing the same situation as me or not. That problem is... I HAVEN'T SOLD ANY TICKETS YET!

How horrible. I tried asking but my friends seems either not interested or they're busy with stuff. Well? It can be frustrating but well... What am I supposed to do? I can't be like threatening them right? That isn't right. I hope you all are not doing such things! ARE YOU?

Anyway... I'm off now.

Oh yes, I hope the rest would log in to this account and blog! If you need the user ID and password, feel free to ask any of the committee leaders.