Thursday, November 15, 2007

24 November 2007

Guys and Gals..
This is an update on the gathering on 24 November 2007. As we all know that we will be meeting at Sentosa (Siloso Beach).

Time: 12 Noon till next morning.
Venue: Sentosa (Siloso/Tanjong/Palawan Beach)

Things to bring (advised):

  1. Towel
  2. Suntan Lotion
  3. Tent (Those staying overnight)
  4. Water Bottle
  5. Beach Mats (Those suntaning)
  6. Extra Clothes

Games will be provided. If you have any games, please tell us.


CeMTA or any related company or organisers will not be responsible for any injury , lost of items or anything in between. This gathering is to our own responsibility. To those camping overnight please note to have self - discipline and no hanky - panky is allowed.

Note: Can all please comment this post 'cause i really need to get the majority of this gathering.

To those who have read this post , please tell all your dramanites about this and ask them to read this.

Thanks .. Please make yourselves free on this day.

If you have anything to add please comment it...

Thank You!!!


Miss Drama said...

Yo Yo

Sounds great but i will be late on that day cause i got work on satursay morning from 7.30am to 3 0r 4plus can. Don't worry i'll bring some snacks over there one but your also must bring lo ok!!!

Miss Drama(Shu Min)

Azhar said...

HeLLOOOOO!!!!!who bringing food?=P....any updates on food?=P

Azhar said...

let's wanna make this a pot luck as well?'ll be fun wif lots of food n drinks around us....=D... weeeeeweeeweweeeeweeeweeeee!!!!! =D